Big Horn Sheep in ZION NATIONAL PARK (05/2011)

A very large herd of big horn sheep crossing the main road that runs through Zion National Park.   I will never be able to figure out how they don't fall ~~ the seem to walk and run across the high rocks effortlessly!

(Click on photos to enlarge.)

These two were having a little power struggle!

This seemed to be the King and Queen of the bunch.   They were separated from the rest of the herd, but watching over them.

This was so cute - a mother and tiny baby.   The mother jumped
up on a rock, and the baby was trying to follow her 

The tiny baby couldn't make it on the first jump and panicked.  He started running to another area to jump up.  At one point, he fell backwards because the rock was  too high.  The mother came back looking for him! 

He backed up and started running again, with his
mother waiting! 

He finally made it! 

And, off they go to meet the rest of the herd!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ZION. It is, for sure, one of my favorite National Parks in one of my favorite parts of the country. There are a few unique features I really like.

    Brian Head
